Phyra McCandless Presents ABA Pursuit of Justice Award to Judge Joan P. Weber

February 11, 2016

judge-weberThe American Bar Association (ABA) Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) honored San Diego Superior Court Judge Joan P. Weber with its Pursuit of Justice Award on Saturday, February 6, 2016. The award was presented in conjunction with the TIPS Welcome Reception for ABA Midyear Meeting at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California. Gibbs Law Group attorney Phyra McCandless introduced the award, while San Diego attorney Janice F. Mulligan introduced Judge Weber at the reception.


From left: Past TIPS Chair Dick Semerdjian, TIPS Vice Chair Holly Polglase, Judge Weber, TIPS Chair G. Glennon Troublefield, Jan Mulligan, Phyra McCandless, and TIPS Chair-Elect John B. Cartafalsa, Jr.

Since 2001, the Pursuit of Justice Award recipient has been selected by members of the TIPS Plaintiffs Policy Task Force with approval of TIPS Council to recognize the finest local lawyers and judges where TIPS meetings are held. The very first award was also presented in San Diego. The award recognizes lawyers and judges who have excelled in providing access to justice for all. Local trial attorney and Task Force member Jan Mulligan provided remarks about San Diego honoree Judge Weber. Judge Weber focused her remarks on court budgets and explained to the audience, which included lawyers from across the country, the challenges faced by California litigants due to the funding shortages. Weber is the immediate past president of the California Judges Association. Regarding the reception, Ms. McCandless said she was “particularly inspired by Judge Weber’s passion for fairness and the restoration of court funding.”

About Phyra McCandless

Phyra McCandless represents whistleblowers in qui tam False Claims Act cases, as well as injured plaintiffs in pharmaceutical and medical device mass tort litigation.

Ms. McCandless holds several leadership roles within ABA-TIPS, serving as Chair-Elect of the Plaintiffs Policy Task Force and as a Membership Standing Committee member as well as a Vice-Chair of the Products Liability Committee. Ms. McCandless is also the Technology Vice-Chair for the Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee and Medicine and Law Committee.

Additionally, Ms. McCandless was the only California attorney selected for the ABA-TIPS 2014-15 Leadership Academy, which connects established leaders in the law to aspiring leaders, and fosters the development of relationships to increase diversity among leaders and promote ethical leadership.

Our Committment to Consumers

Gibbs Law Group LLP has been representing consumers across the country for twenty years in class action cases concerning auto defects, false advertising, data breaches, personal injury from defective drugs and medical devices, employment violations, financial fraud, and more. Our attorneys have recovered more than a billion dollars on behalf of its clients in cases against some of the largest corporations represented by the most prominent defense attorneys in the U.S.

The firm has been ranked as a Tier-1 law firm for Mass Tort Litigation and Class Actions in U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” each of the past four years.



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