Amanda Karl honored as a Rising Star by Law360
July 15, 2024
Amanda Karl has been selected to Rising Stars of 2024 by Law360, for the practice area of Class Actions.
Rising Stars honors top attorneys under the age of 40 and includes attorneys across the US as well as internationally. This year, winners were selected from a pool of over 1,000 candidates. Winners of this award are a Law360 Rising Star for life.
Congratulations Amanda!
About Amanda Karl
In less than a decade of practice, Amanda Karl has become a go-to thought leader in the plaintiffs’ bar. In the past three years alone, she achieved two significant appellate wins, including one of the first California Court of Appeals decisions to interpret the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Viking River decision on PAGA waivers in arbitration clauses. She also served as a key member of the A.B. v. Regents of the University of California litigation team that negotiated a $73 million settlement in a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of patients of a UCLA gynecologist accused of sexual assault.
Amanda is deeply committed to mentorship and has supported many law school recruiting efforts to help expand the pathway for plaintiffs’ lawyers from underrepresented backgrounds, including the firm’s the firm’s newly launched Diversity Fellowship for 1Ls and 2Ls. Amanda has also spearheaded the creation of Gibbs Law Group’s Voting Rights Task Force, which seeks to identify opportunities for both attorneys and staff to promote voter engagement and maximize voter participation.
Amanda received her law degree (Order of the Coif) from Berkeley Law. Outside of work, Amanda serves on the Board of Directors of the East Bay Community Law Center.