Joshua Bloomfield

Joshua Bloomfield


Josh Bloomfield represents plaintiffs in class and other complex litigation, with particular experience in antitrust, consumer protection and data breach matters. He is a member of the California Bar and is admitted to practice before the United States District Courts for the Northern, Central and Southern Districts of California.

At Gibbs Law Group, Josh has been an advocate for borrowers who lost their homes to foreclosure during the financial crisis, individuals harmed by corporate misconduct related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and consumers and employees who have suffered the consequences of antitrust conspiracies.

During more than 20 years of practice, Josh has represented clients in a variety of civil, criminal and administrative matters – from a distinguished professor of aeronautics and astronautics in a National Science Foundation research misconduct investigation, to several Major League Baseball teams in player arbitrations. Josh also served as vice president and general counsel to an innovative business venture in the second-home alternative marketplace, offering investors direct participation in ownership of a portfolio of luxury vacation properties.

  • California
  • education+
    • J.D., UCLA School of Law, 2000
    • B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1996

    Litigation Highlights

    Hernandez v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

    Represents a certified class of more than 500 home mortgage borrowers who lost their homes to foreclosure after Wells Fargo erroneously denied them trial mortgage modifications. On October 12, 2020, the Court approved an $18.5 million settlement, resulting in significant compensation payments to each class member.

    Disposable Contact Lens Antitrust Litigation

    Represents a class of consumers in the Disposable Contact Lens Antitrust Litigation, which challenges a series of “minimum pricing” policies imposed by contact lens manufacturers. The suit alleges that consumers paid supracompetitive prices as a result of a conspiracy among optometrists, manufacturers and a distributor of disposable contact lenses.

    In re Anthem, Inc. Data Breach Privacy Litigation

    Represented interests of plaintiffs and putative class members following massive data breach of approximately 80 million personal records, including names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, health care ID numbers, email and physical addresses, employment information, and income data.

    Jiffy Lube Antitrust Litigation

    Represents Jiffy Lube workers who were harmed by a “no-poach” policy whereby Jiffy Lube required its franchisees to agree not to solicit or hire current or former employees of other franchisees. The suit alleges that workers’ wages were suppressed by this restraint on the market for their labor.

    Airbnb Host Class Action Lawsuit

    Represents Airbnb hosts – in federal court and in individual arbitrations - who allege that Airbnb took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic and seized funds that belonged to hosts while claiming that the money would be refunded to guests.
    Gibbs Law Group LLP


    1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

    Oakland, CA 94607

    © Gibbs Law Group LLP 2025