Deceptive Advertisements

Protecting Consumers & Businesses from Deceptive Advertising & Marketing

At Gibbs Law Group LLP, our false advertising lawyers represent both consumers and businesses in false advertising lawsuits: Deceptive advertisements can harm consumers by inducing them to spend money on a product or service or by exposing them to the risk of injury through false claims about health or safety. Deceptive marketing can likewise harm competitors by causing a loss of business.

Identifying deceptive advertisements

The FTC, which is tasked with regulating advertising, has issued a Deception Policy Statement that says an ad is deceptive if it contains a claim – or fails to disclose important information – that:

  • Is likely to mislead a “reasonable consumer” – that is, a typical person looking at the ad; and
  • Is “material” – that is, important to a consumer’s decision to buy or use the product. Examples of “material” claims include representations about a product’s price, safety, performance, features, or effectiveness.

Many states have passed false advertising laws as well, so no single definition controls, and often it is up to a court to decide whether a particular advertisement has crossed the line.

Report a Deceptive Advertisement to our Class Action Attorneys

Speak with one of our false advertising lawyers by filling out the form to the right.

Gibbs Law Group LLP


1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

Oakland, CA 94607

© Gibbs Law Group LLP 2025