Consumer Legal Remedies Act

What is the Consumer Legal Remedies Act (CLRA)?

The Consumer Legal Remedies Act (CLRA) is a California law that protects consumers from deceptive advertising or unfair business practices. The CLRA bars 24 specific acts and practices such as:

  • Passing off goods or services as those of another.
  • Using deceptive representations or designations of geographic origin in connection with goods or services.
  • Representing that goods are original or new if they have deteriorated unreasonably or are altered, reconditioned, reclaimed, used, or secondhand.
  • Disparaging the goods, services, or business of another by false or misleading representation of fact.
  • Advertising goods or services with intent not to sell them as advertised.
  • Advertising furniture without clearly indicating that it is unassembled if that is the case.
  • Representing that a part, replacement, or repair service is needed when it is not.
  • Inserting an unconscionable provision in the contract.

Gibbs Law Group’ CLRA Lawyers

Gibbs Law Group’ false advertising lawyers know how frustrating it can be to be deceived by misleading label when buying a product or service. Our attorneys have used the CLRA to protect consumer rights in a variety of cases including:

Contact a Lawyer about the CLRA

Victim of an unfair business practice? Free and confidential consultations are available with our false advertising lawyers by filling out the form to the right.


1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

Oakland, CA 94607

© Gibbs Mura, A Law Group 2025