Hyundai Sonata Engine Failure Lawsuit
Our attorneys filed a federal class action lawsuit on behalf of 2011-2014 model year Hyundai Sonata owners whose vehicles suffered premature and catastrophic engine failures. The lawsuit alleged that Hyundai sold Sonata vehicles with defective rotating assemblies in the Theta II 2.4 L engines that cause sudden and catastrophic engine failure. Hyundai denied the allegations.
In January 2017, Judge Beth L. Freeman in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California approved a settlement that we expect will soon go into effect and which will resolve the In re Hyundai Sonata Engine Litigation , Case No. 5:15-cv-01685 (N.D. Cal.). The settlement benefits are listed below.
The settlement applies to owners and lessees of a Class Vehicles, who purchased or leased the Class Vehicle in the United States, excluding the territories, or abroad while on active military duty (“Class Members”). Class Vehicles are 2011-2014 Hyundai Sonatas with a Theta II 2.0 or 2.4 liter gasoline direct injection engine.
For more information, please visit the settlement website.
Warranty Extension
Hyundai extended the Powertrain Warranty for Class Vehicles. The extension of the warranty will cover the engine short block assembly consisting of the engine block, crankshaft and bearings, connecting rods and bearings, and pistons for 10 years and 120,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original sale or lease of the vehicle. The 10-year / 120,000-mile extension of the warranty continues even if the vehicle is sold.
The extension of the warranty covers all costs of inspections and repairs including, parts, labor, and diagnosis, for the engine short block assembly. Coverage under the extension of the warranty cannot be denied on the grounds of improper vehicle service or maintenance history (excepting limited exceptional neglect circumstances).
Hyundai dealerships will provide a free loaner vehicle if requested. If no loaner vehicle is available, Hyundai will provide full reimbursement of reasonable rental car expenses.
Class Members do not need to submit a Claim Form to receive this extension of the Powertrain Warranty
Repair Reimbursements
Money that Class Members spent on certain Class Vehicle repairs before class notice was disseminated were eligible for reimbursement in full, based on certain eligibility requirements. The deadline for submitting these claims is January 26, 2017.
Hyundai Sonata Complaint
The federal class action lawsuit alleged that Hyundai sold Sonata vehicles with defective rotating assemblies in the Theta II 2.4 L engines that cause sudden and catastrophic engine failure. When the rotating assembly fails, it does so without warning and causes the engine to abruptly seize, according to the complaint. The complaint also alleged:
Sonata Owner: ‘The engine just died.’
Consumer complaints filed with the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) describe how Sonata engines may cause the vehicles to knock or rattle, stall or seize up, or shut off completely while the vehicle is running. Some Sonata owners describe their vehicles as “running very rough,” “hesitating,” “knocking,” and “rattling,” while others indicate that “the engine has seized,” “the engine had locked up,” or “the engine just died.” For one Sonata driver “driving down HWY @65MPH,” the “car lost power.”
Our Auto Class Action Results
General Motors | $800 each for drivers of GM vehicles filled with defective Dexcool coolant |
Honda | $25 million for Honda and Acura owners with premature brake pad wear |
Hyundai | Free engine inspections and repairs, warranty extensions, and reimbursements for past repairs and related costs |
Mitsubishi & Chrysler | $33 million for cash reimbursements and discount repairs for wheel rim problems |
Toyota | Cash reimbursements and extended warranties for repairs to HID headlights |
Mercedes Benz | $650 or up to $1,300 in new vehicle credits for owners of Mercedes vehicles with emergency response systems that would become obsolete without an expensive retrofit |