Mercedes-Benz Tele Aid Class Action Lawsuit

A nationwide class action is pending in New Jersey federal court on behalf of Mercedes-Benz owners and lessees relating to the Tele Aid systems installed in their vehicles. The Plaintiffs allege that Mercedes-Benz failed to inform its customers that the analog only Tele Aid systems in their vehicles would become obsolete in 2008 unless they paid hundreds of dollars for a digital upgrade. Plaintiffs allege that Mercedes-Benz knew as early as 2002 that the FCC would no longer require cellular providers to support analog cellular phone services but did not begin informing its customers that this would adversely impact their analog Tele Aid systems until late 2006.

Class Certification Granted in Mercedes-Benz Tele Aid Lawsuit

On April 27, 2009, the Honorable Dickinson R. Debevoise of the District of New Jersey issued an order granting Plaintiffs’ motion for class certification on behalf of a nationwide class of Mercedes-Benz owners and lessees. Shortly thereafter Mercedes-Benz asked Judge Debevoise to “de-certify” the class because Mercedes-Benz argued that a recent Appeals Court ruling required the Judge to change his class certification decision.

Recent Developments in Mercedes Tele Aid Class Action Lawsuit

We are pleased to report that on March 15, 2010, Judge Debevoise rejected Mercedes-Benz’s request to de-certify the class and upheld his prior ruling granting class certification. We consider the recent ruling a significant victory for the class.

Judge Debevoise has also ordered that notice of the class action be mailed to class members. The Mercedes- Benz Tele Aid Class Action Notice was sent via U.S. Mail in early September and contains additional details about the case and informs class members how their rights are impacted by the lawsuit.

How can I tell if I’m included in the class?

You are a member of the certified class if you meet the criteria set forth below:

All persons or entities in the United States who purchased or leased a Mercedes-Benz vehicle equipped with an analog-only Tele Aid system after August 22, 2002, and (1) subscribed to Tele Aid service until being informed that the service would be discontinued at the end of 2007, or (2) purchased an upgrade to digital equipment.

The Class does not include persons or entities who (1) purchased or leased a pre-owned Mercedes-Benz vehicle in December 2006 or thereafter, or (2) leased a Mercedes-Benz vehicle equipped with analog-only Tele Aid equipment, but returned the vehicle to the lessor before losing Tele Aid service.

To remain a class member, you do not need to do anything at this time.

Questions? Speak to An Auto Lawyer

If you have questions about this case or wish to discuss a new matter, please contact one of our auto lawyers by calling (866) 981-4800 or filling in the form on the right.


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