North Bay Fires Lawsuits
Legal Assistance after the Tubbs, Atlas, Nuns, Patrick, Sulphur, and Surrounding Fires
Gibbs Law Group’ attorneys have organized a Bay Area legal group called the Northern California Fire Lawyers to help North Bay residents rebuild their lives and communities in the wake of the Tubbs, Atlas, Nuns, Patrick, Sulphur, and surrounding fires.
Together with our colleagues from Danko Meredith and Corey, Luzaich, de Gehtaldi, Nastari & Riddle, we’re helping victims of the catastrophic fires to recover.
Affected by the Wine Country Fires?
Contact us for free insurance help, resources, or a consultation about your potential legal claims.
Insurance Claims Assistance
Our attorneys are providing free insurance claims assistance, information, and resources to people in Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.
PG&E Lawsuits
Insurance may cover a large portion of fire-related damages. However, if PG&E is found at fault for the fires, fire victims may have uninsured or under-insured claims against the company for the damage and injury it caused.
Though the cause of the North Bay Fires has not yet been determined, early reports indicate that PG&E may be implicated in the cause of the fires. In addition to providing insurance and other information and resources, members of our team are investigating individual lawsuits against PG&E for victims who suffered physical injuries and loss or damage or their business or personal property.
Visit the Northern California Fire Lawyers website for more information about PG&E lawsuits.
About Our Team
The Northern California Fire Lawyers team consists of trial lawyers, mass tort attorneys, and class action and complex litigators from three of the Bay Area’s most trusted consumer law firms:
- Girard Gibbs LLP
- Danko Meredith
- Corey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Riddle
We have a history of success representing Northern California residents against PG&E when the failure to perform routine inspections, update aging infrastructure, or maintain tree life and other vegetation has resulted in fires, explosions, and other tragic events that forever changed lives. Our experience includes:
- Butte wildfire
- San Bruno gas line explosion
- Spencer Avenue Apartment fire in Santa Rosa
- Electrical transformer explosion in San Francisco
Decades of litigation and trail experience and a deep understanding of our clients’ needs have delivered millions of dollars to thousands of Northern Californians and others nationwide, and have spurred corporate change and injunctive relief in the state and beyond.