Taxotere Hair Loss Lawsuit

Our personal injury lawyers have filed numerous lawsuits on behalf of breast cancer survivors who allege the use of Taxotere (generic docetaxel) during chemotherapy treatment has resulted in permanent, disfiguring hair loss. According to the lawsuits, Taxotere manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis knew as early as 2005 that the drug may cause permanent alopecia in as many as 9.2% of Taxotere patients, and intentionally withheld this information from the medical community and the public.

Read copies of some of the Taxotere Hair Loss Lawsuits filed by here and here.

Permanent Hair Loss After Chemo?

If you’ve experienced prolonged hair loss since your final breast cancer chemotherapy treatment with Taxotere, you may be eligible to file a Taxotere lawsuit.Call or message us for a free and confidential consultation with a member of our team.

No Attorney Fees Unless You Win

We are compensated for our legal services when we successfully resolve our clients’ claims. If we are unable to successfully resolve your claim, you are not obligated to pay attorneys’ fees.

Gibbs Law Group LLP


1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

Oakland, CA 94607

© Gibbs Law Group LLP 2025