Shipt Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

Underpaid or mistreated by Shipt?

Shipt (owned by Target) may be underpaying its employees and violating federal or state labor law in other ways. Shipt Shoppers may be entitled to additional pay and mileage reimbursement; in California, they may also be entitled under CA labor law to collect penalties for being misclassified as independent contractors.

Shipt Shopper? Find out if you have a claim.

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What's the Shipt class action lawsuit about?

Many gig companies are allegedly abusing the independent contractor label to avoid paying their workers the full amount under their state’s employment laws. In California, for example, companies must pay minimum wage, overtime, mileage, and reimburse business expenses (such as wear and tear on a personal vehicle).

We’ve filed lawsuits against Lyft and DoorDash alleging that these companies underpay and misclassify drivers and delivery workers. In DoorDash, we have also filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of drivers who we successfully helped opt out of arbitration.

Shipt may be violating the law by classifying you as an independent contractor rather than an employee. Contact us to learn more.

Shipt allegedly fires, censors Shoppers for making negative posts online

Wondering what it’s like to work for Shipt?

Unfortunately, you may have a tough time finding out. According to Vice, Shipt allegedly censors negative online posts by Shoppers, sometimes even punishing them by deactivating (firing) them from the app:

  • one woman tweeted about her Shipt earnings dropping from $200 per week to $0-25 per week due to changes on the app; one hour later, Shipt allegedly emailed her saying she was “deactivated” and “not eligible to reapply”
  • one Shopper posted a Facebook comment criticizing Shipt’s new corporate logo; Shipt allegedly deactivated the worker at first, and only reinstated them after they threatened a lawsuit

Shipt severely cut workers pay without warning

News reports say in January 2020, Shipt abruptly switched to a less transparent pay model. Some people say the new algorithm is similar to what Instacart and DoorDash use.

Gizmodo says under the new pay model, many Shoppers lost a lot of money:

“One Shipter earned over $530 the week prior to the change; the following week, her net income fell by over $150 despite her completing the exact same number of orders.”

According to International Journal of Communication, keeping pay formulas secret is a “fundamental” way that gig economy apps “structure control over [their] workers.”

Underpaid by Shipt? Force Shipt to pay

Our Shipt Class Action Lawsuit Attorneys

Steven Tindall

Steven specializes in employment litigation and has been lead or co-lead counsel on several cases that resulted in settlements of over $1 million.

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Aaron Blumenthal

Aaron represents consumers, employees, and whistleblowers in class actions and other complex litigation.

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Ashleigh Musser

Ashleigh represents consumers and employees in class actions and mass arbitration involving consumer protection and employment law.

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Brian Bailey

Brian represents clients harmed by misconduct in complex employment discrimination, personal injury, and consumer protection litigation.

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Our Gig Economy Litigation Experience

We represent thousands of DoorDash and Lyft drivers in claims against the companies for misclassifying and underpaying their workers. We successfully got over 500 workers out of arbitration and into a class action, and we continue to lead the fight every day for workers rights in the gig economy.

“No business which depends for its existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.”

-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Our Results in Employment Cases

Acosta Employee Lawsuit
acosta logo
$9.9 Million Settlement
AT&T Employee Lawsuit
$2.75 Million Settlement
Source Refrigeration Employee Lawsuit

$10 Million Settlement
Interthinx Employee Lawsuit
interthinx logo
$4 Million Settlement

About Us

Gibbs Mura Law Group is a California-based law firm committed to protecting the rights of clients nationwide who have been harmed by corporate misconduct. We represent individuals, whistleblowers, employees, and small businesses across the U.S. against the world’s largest corporations. Our award-winning lawyers have achieved landmark recoveries and over a billion dollars for our clients in high-stakes class action and individual cases involving consumer protection, data breach, digital privacy, and federal and California employment lawsuits. Our attorneys have received numerous honors for their work, including “Top Plaintiff Lawyers in California,” “Top Class Action Attorneys Under 40,” “Consumer Protection MVP,” “Best Lawyers in America,” and “Top Cybersecurity/ Privacy Attorneys Under 40.”
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1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

Oakland, CA 94607

© Gibbs Mura, A Law Group 2025